Saturday, July 7, 2007

Blogger's Blues

I realise it's only been two days since I last got a comment on the Pop Culture Institute, but two days is a long time in bloggerland.

Obviously I'm not blogging for the comments; I'm blogging because I have to/want to/need to write, but the comments are like tips. If I'm not getting any comments then I feel like I'm not doing a good job.

I really kiss ass over there. Since I have no actual celebrities being interviewed, and no big name talent working for me, and no advertisers to appease, my entire business is pleasing the people who read me. Whatever they comment on, you can bet that subject matter goes straight to the top of my priorities list.

I consider it good practice for my eventual job in magazine publishing, whatever that may be, whether it's as a staff writer, freelancer, or editor. Besides which, it's just good business practice, especially when the product is as ephemeral as a blog, or as nebulous as my subject matter.

It's easy to become disheartened, especially if you're me. All my life it feels as though I've watched other people get second chances, and big breaks, and opportunities for which I have never and will never be eligible. Just once I'd like to not have to scrounge for praise, or fight for survival.

I realise that it's wrong to admit to seeking approval, but honesty means more to me than doing the so-called right thing.

Still, slow and steady wins the race, and that's not just a cliche; around here it's a business model. I suppose I'll be fine once I get home, enjoy some nice meds, and have supper. That usually cheers me up.

In the meantime, just let me sulk and scheme and eventually I'll figure out something that'll get me a comment or two.

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