Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Okay, That Was Weird

Seemingly overnight - well, it's technically been months, but you get my drift - I've gone from shunned troll to hot property. Each new development in the saga has given me considerable qualms, but this last development could be measured on a seismograph. Ten minutes later and my heart is still pounding.

A total stranger wanted to have sex with me using my new iSight camera.

He's in a relationship, so I didn't; given my newfound respect for consistency - a good portion of which is remaining true to one's principles - I can't consider that anything but cheating, and I don't even want to be the other person in that situation. Still, I wonder what I would have done if a) he'd been hotter, and b) he'd been single. After all, my principles may be high but they're not completely unassailable.

Despite having what I feel is a rather sleazy soul trapped in the body of a prude, something about the situation seemed wrong, so I withdrew from it as quickly and as non-judgementally as possible. Some people undoubtedly get off on sleaze, but I feel sex is about a connection and (aptly, as it turns out) ours was a bad one; try as I might I couldn't get the sound to work.

Nevertheless, one of these days one of these close calls is going to connect; I suppose it's good to set aside my qualms early in that case, as when it finally happens the last thing I want to do is awkwardly withdraw and spend the next half hour on the sofa, breathing shallowly and trying not to hyper-ventilate.

Anyway, that's all I have to say; I have some more breathing into a paper bag to do, and then I'd better get back to work on the other side.

Breathe... Breathe... Breathe...


Anonymous said...

I've been doing me some breathing exercises this new year. Enjoying your blog!

michael sean morris said...

Sorry I don't add to it very often; the other side (Pop Culture Institute) has way more content.